March 3, 2025


Dave Angelini

pointingDave is an assistant professor in the Department of Biology at Colby College in Waterville, Maine and the principal investigator behind the BioB research project. He has taught a wide range of courses at Colby and elsewhere, including introductory biology, genetics, developmental biology, molecular biology, and evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo). He first started working with true bugs in 2000, using the milkweed bug as a model of insect appendage development.   –   Website   –   @Aphanotus

Juan Camilo Vanegas

Juan has been investigating the genetics and developmental biology of wing polyphenism in the soapberry bug Jadera haematoloma as a research technician. He is also a co-founder and executive board member of the non-profit public health advocacy group MedLife. Juan promises to update his profile with a picture of him skydiving…


Mary C. Parks

mcp200x200Mary is a Colby College biology and environmental studies student (class of 2016). Her work in the Angelini Lab has been to investigate how genes in the insulin-signaling pathway influence size regulation in the wings of soapberry bugs. Mary is also interested in the landscape dynamics of wing morphs across the soapberry bugs’ expanding range. During the Spring of 2015, she will be the unofficial BioB foreign correspondent, reporting to us from Cairns, Australia!