February 24, 2025

Bug Blog

Damselfly in distress: How sexual conflict shapes behavior

As the days grow longer and the temperature rises, the first vestiges of animal and plant life have begun to shake off the trappings of …

Sporadic Spider Crickets

Spider crickets, camel crickets, cave crickets–whatever you call them, they scare the life out of me! Spider crickets come from the family Rhaphidophoridae, and from a …

Wondering in Winter: Where did the bugs all go?

Here in the Northern part of the US, the blustery winds of winter are well upon us. The cold climate forces us to bundle up …

Is it a Groundhog or Woodchuck?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?  While they are herbivores, Woodchucks, also known as Groundhogs, Land-Beavers, and Whistle-Pigs, prefer …

What is a True Fly?

Anything that is small, bug-like, and has wings is a fly, right? Wrong! There are only about 120,000 flies that belong to the order Diptera, …

The Death Watch Beetle

If you hear a strange ticking noise at night, don’t be too alarmed! It’s not some ghost trying to haunt you…it’s likely the deathwatch beetle …

Urban Beekeeping in the Big Apple

  As the world and its cities continue to grow (over half of the world’s population lives in cities!), more and more urban areas are …

What’s Happening in the Lab this Summer?

The Bugs in our Backyard  project is run by Dave Angelini and his lab members at Colby College in Waterville, Maine. This post will give you …

Congratulations to our recent graduates!

It’s been a great experience to work with our student-writers here at the BioB blog.  These are all undergraduate students, with an interest in sharing …

A Light in the Darkness

Marine organisms are incredibly diverse and comprise an enormous number of species. Due to the ocean’s massive amount of biodiversity, many novel adaptations have evolved …