March 28, 2025

Why insects always have a stitch in their side

Do insects get out of breath flying around outside? It would seem awfully inconvenient if they did. Thankfully for insects, the way they breathe is …

Creature Feature: Wooly Bear Caterpillar

Groundhog Day has come and gone and Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring, even though we in Central Maine just received 6 inches of snow …

Biodiversity Matters: featuring an article from the Washington Post

An article published in the Washington Post last Friday perfectly contextualizes how important biodiversity is to each and every one of us. Read the article …

U.S. Defense Department Seeks Inspiration from Insects

The field of biomimicry has yielded many fascinating developments from plant burr inspired Velcro to bullet trains that borrow their sleek design from kingfisher beaks. …

Urbanization and honeybees: Research Summary

Living in the city can be stressful. From light and air pollution to higher temperatures relative to rural areas, a host of factors wreak havoc …

Entomophagy: Why don’t we eat bugs?

‘Tis the season for many Americans to gather around feasts of plenty featuring succulent and meaty main dishes. These meals are often part of a …

Of Cockroach Kicks and Jewel Wasp Kids

In the last several posts, we’ve focused on insects that feature some pretty grisly ways of attacking and using their prey. But in recent news, …

Brain-munching maggots and ant-decapitating flies, oh my!!!

Just in time for Halloween, I’d like to share a chilling tale of strange nature. While there are a multitude of relationships in the natural …

Zombie Puppet Masters

When you think of zombies, shambling, flesh-hungry creeps may come to mind. As we’ve been taught by shows like The Walking Dead, zombies often travel …

Love Vines on the Attack!

Imagine your safe in your home one evening, binging on your favorite entertainment. Suddenly the walls of your house crumple outward with violent force. Before …