March 26, 2025

Searching For Stink

During the last stretches of winter, one can become desperate for any sign of spring. In fact, I’ve been spending a fair bit of time …

Mimics and Mystery Flyers

Have you ever seen an animal that looks somehow like a completely different one? There are actually quite a lot of these mimics out there, …

Damselfly in distress: How sexual conflict shapes behavior

As the days grow longer and the temperature rises, the first vestiges of animal and plant life have begun to shake off the trappings of …

Is it a Groundhog or Woodchuck?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?  While they are herbivores, Woodchucks, also known as Groundhogs, Land-Beavers, and Whistle-Pigs, prefer …

A Light in the Darkness

Marine organisms are incredibly diverse and comprise an enormous number of species. Due to the ocean’s massive amount of biodiversity, many novel adaptations have evolved …