March 25, 2025

How to take amazing pictures of insects

Most biologists are excited to share the animals they study with a broad audience. One of the challenges of that engagement is having compelling photographs …

Red Bugs in the Virgin Islands

Our lab group is well-acquainted with the red-shouldered soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma. However, there are a variety of true bugs in the United States that …

Long lost bee discovered, but can it bee saved?

In January on a small archipelago in Indonesia Clay Bolt, a nature photographer, and his team captured a female Wallace’s giant bee (Megachile pluto), a …

Some Like It Hot: The winter moth’s invasion of Maine

Humans aren’t the only ones who have been enjoying New England’s distinctively warm winter this year. For the invasive winter moth Operophtera brumata warm weather could really …

Help us identify this bug!

Here’s a citizen science opportunity: Help us identify this bug! Click here for images of the unknown species and keys for comparison to the most likely species. …

A quick-guide to our citizen science project

We are very lucky this Fall to have the involvement of after-school programs from the New York City public schools. Teacher professional developmental day on …

What is Citizen Science?

How many of you have seen Nova? What about a National Geographic show? Maybe The Magic School Bus? Were you struck with an unquenchable thirst …