March 26, 2025

Pink Underwing Moth Caterpillar

Nature in its chaotic perfection always finds a way to surprise us. In its vast biodiversity, we can find this beautiful specimen with a highly …

Larva Esqueleto

La naturaleza en su caótica perfección siempre encuentra una forma de sorprendernos. En su vasta diversidad de vida se encuentra éste bello especimen con un …

Red Bugs in the Virgin Islands

Our lab group is well-acquainted with the red-shouldered soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma. However, there are a variety of true bugs in the United States that …

Angelini Lab Member Featured in Podcast

Here in the Angelini Lab, research interests can differ pretty dramatically. While our primary research animals are soapberry bugs, other ongoing projects investigate different bug …

Biodiversity Matters: featuring an article from the Washington Post

An article published in the Washington Post last Friday perfectly contextualizes how important biodiversity is to each and every one of us. Read the article …

Long lost bee discovered, but can it bee saved?

In January on a small archipelago in Indonesia Clay Bolt, a nature photographer, and his team captured a female Wallace’s giant bee (Megachile pluto), a …

Light of My Life

While Valentine’s Day has come and gone this year, life and love in the natural world continues ever onward. Today we’ll take a closer look …

Brain-munching maggots and ant-decapitating flies, oh my!!!

Just in time for Halloween, I’d like to share a chilling tale of strange nature. While there are a multitude of relationships in the natural …

Love Vines on the Attack!

Imagine your safe in your home one evening, binging on your favorite entertainment. Suddenly the walls of your house crumple outward with violent force. Before …

Case for curiosity: Long live the social queens!

Take a momentary journey with me: Imagine a tight-knit, underground society of humans, working away their entire lives, never seeing the light of day. These …