February 22, 2025

What is Citizen Science?

How many of you have seen Nova? What about a National Geographic show? Maybe The Magic School Bus? Were you struck with an unquenchable thirst …

Daintree Adventures

While spending a semester abroad studying biology in Northern Australia, I had the opportunity to travel to one of the most incredible places in the …

Field notes from January

The red-shouldered soapberry bug is unique in that it exhibits two distinct wing morphs: long wings and short wings. Both male and female soapberry bugs …

The story of the red-shouldered soapberry bug

In addition to this blog, our website has what will eventually become a series of pages describing the natural history of several species of true …

Quick, spot the bug!

Soapberry bugs aren’t really camouflaged. But they don’t often jump out at you if they have leaf litter to crawl in. Can you find the …

Leptoglossus: A holiday houseguest

This time of year in the Northern US, most true bugs are hard to find. They are doing their best to conserve energy, hiding out in …

Bug Guides

When I tell people about Bugs in our Backyard, they often ask how to identify the common host plants, like the golden rain tree. Thankfully, it is …

Schools get involved

In the last week of October, we had our first submissions of field survey data from citizen-scientists. Julia Dooley, a teacher in Newark, Delaware, is …