March 26, 2025

The Bugs In Our Backyard Coloring Book!

Bugs In Our Backyard is aimed at kids of all ages. When the project first began, had small children. And like many kids, they were …

Las Hormigas Sobre El Puente

Cuando me dijeron que podía escribir mis artículos en español me alegré demasiado. Estaba feliz de poder compartir mi trabajo con más gente de mi …

Welcome home, Ladybug

It is getting cold as winter gets closer and the ladybugs outside your window feel jealous of your cozy little spot inside your blankets. These …

Dear Earwig

Earwigs are these little shiny long-bodied creatures with six legs and two pincers in their backs. They crawl around mostly during the night looking for …

Attack of the Monkey Slug

When I was seven years old, my parents drove from Boston to Florida with me in the back seat. We were heading to see my …

The Scientist and The Imposter

Nutrition-dependent wing polymorphism, RNA interference, and the polymerase chain reaction are concepts I know well that were gibberish to me only a year ago. If …