March 24, 2025

How to take amazing pictures of insects

Most biologists are excited to share the animals they study with a broad audience. One of the challenges of that engagement is having compelling photographs …

Red Bugs in the Virgin Islands

Our lab group is well-acquainted with the red-shouldered soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma. However, there are a variety of true bugs in the United States that …

Where are the mosquitoes?

Have you noticed having fewer itchy, annoying mosquito bites to scratch as the weather gets colder? Isn’t the disappearance of these pesky little critters one of …

Help us identify this bug!

Here’s a citizen science opportunity: Help us identify this bug! Click here for images of the unknown species and keys for comparison to the most likely species. …

The Spider and the Lynx: Examining Wildlife Corridors

Urbanization and human expansion have led to the fragmentation and reduction of many vital habitats. Conservationists have been trying to come up with management strategies …

The Human Botfly, Dermatobia hominis

Last January I went to Belize as part of a course to study tropical ecology. For three weeks we stayed in different parts of the diverse …

What is Citizen Science?

How many of you have seen Nova? What about a National Geographic show? Maybe The Magic School Bus? Were you struck with an unquenchable thirst …

Daintree Adventures

While spending a semester abroad studying biology in Northern Australia, I had the opportunity to travel to one of the most incredible places in the …

Winter in the Greenhouse

I love the idea of growing tropical plants during the Maine winter. Maybe I’m crazy. The lab research associated with the Bugs in our Backyard project …

Field notes from January

The red-shouldered soapberry bug is unique in that it exhibits two distinct wing morphs: long wings and short wings. Both male and female soapberry bugs …