March 25, 2025

The Bugs In Our Backyard Coloring Book!

Bugs In Our Backyard is aimed at kids of all ages. When the project first began, had small children. And like many kids, they were …

The Scientist and The Imposter

Nutrition-dependent wing polymorphism, RNA interference, and the polymerase chain reaction are concepts I know well that were gibberish to me only a year ago. If …

The most important puzzle ever solved

Modern biology has more data than it can handle. Thanks to modern DNA sequencing, we now know the contents of genomes from thousands of people …

Is it a Groundhog or Woodchuck?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?  While they are herbivores, Woodchucks, also known as Groundhogs, Land-Beavers, and Whistle-Pigs, prefer …

Teacher resources: Behavior experiments

So, you’re excited about bugs — but wait… It’s January! It’s freezing. Snow is on the ground, and there isn’t a bug to be found. …

A quick-guide to our citizen science project

We are very lucky this Fall to have the involvement of after-school programs from the New York City public schools. Teacher professional developmental day on …

BioB & Next Generation Science Standards

We want more science teachers to read this blog! This site is written with a wide and general readership in mind. But our teaching resources are …

Bug Guides

When I tell people about Bugs in our Backyard, they often ask how to identify the common host plants, like the golden rain tree. Thankfully, it is …