March 27, 2025

Congratulations to our recent graduates!

It’s been a great experience to work with our student-writers here at the BioB blog.  These are all undergraduate students, with an interest in sharing biology with the broader public. They have taken on the challenge of writing for  BioB in addition to all the regular demands of college courses and life! A few weeks ago most of our bloggers graduated from Colby College and are now dispersing into the world. I want to wish them all congratulations on their achievements from four years of hard work.

It is always a bit sad for us professors to say goodbye to students with whom we’ve worked closely for those years. Still, I look forward to hearing what each of them accomplishes in the future.  Meanwhile, take the opportunity to revisit the posts from our BioB alumni: Meghan FawcettChloë GeffkenJarildy Javier, and Mary C. Parks!