March 26, 2025

A Ghost Story

In the spirit(s) of the season, I wanted to share a ghost story from the lab with you all… Here in the bug lab, mysteries …

What’s Happening in the Lab this Summer?

The Bugs in our Backyard  project is run by Dave Angelini and his lab members at Colby College in Waterville, Maine. This post will give you …

Help us identify this bug!

Here’s a citizen science opportunity: Help us identify this bug! Click here for images of the unknown species and keys for comparison to the most likely species. …

Field notes from January

The red-shouldered soapberry bug is unique in that it exhibits two distinct wing morphs: long wings and short wings. Both male and female soapberry bugs …

The story of the red-shouldered soapberry bug

In addition to this blog, our website has what will eventually become a series of pages describing the natural history of several species of true …

Quick, spot the bug!

Soapberry bugs aren’t really camouflaged. But they don’t often jump out at you if they have leaf litter to crawl in. Can you find the …

Schools get involved

In the last week of October, we had our first submissions of field survey data from citizen-scientists. Julia Dooley, a teacher in Newark, Delaware, is …

What’s polyphenism?

Most animals grow to a relatively consistent adult size and shape. For example, people have a range of heights that falls across a roughly bell-shaped …