March 27, 2025

Urbanization and honeybees: Research Summary

Living in the city can be stressful. From light and air pollution to higher temperatures relative to rural areas, a host of factors wreak havoc …

Entomophagy: Why don’t we eat bugs?

‘Tis the season for many Americans to gather around feasts of plenty featuring succulent and meaty main dishes. These meals are often part of a …

Of Cockroach Kicks and Jewel Wasp Kids

In the last several posts, we’ve focused on insects that feature some pretty grisly ways of attacking and using their prey. But in recent news, …

Brain-munching maggots and ant-decapitating flies, oh my!!!

Just in time for Halloween, I’d like to share a chilling tale of strange nature. While there are a multitude of relationships in the natural …

Zombie Puppet Masters

When you think of zombies, shambling, flesh-hungry creeps may come to mind. As we’ve been taught by shows like The Walking Dead, zombies often travel …

Love Vines on the Attack!

Imagine your safe in your home one evening, binging on your favorite entertainment. Suddenly the walls of your house crumple outward with violent force. Before …

Tiger Beetles: The Quick and The Dead

Summer is well on its way and the beautiful weather has everyone wanting to stretch their legs. And as a runner and insect enthusiast, I …

Case for curiosity: Long live the social queens!

Take a momentary journey with me: Imagine a tight-knit, underground society of humans, working away their entire lives, never seeing the light of day. These …

The Buzz on Insect Sound

Anybody who has walked outside on a hot summer day and heard the cacophonous ticks, rattles and clicks of insect calls could imagine that there …

Star Wars and the Naming of Things

Choosing a name for a newfound species or group of organisms can be a rather daunting task. It should be no surprise that taxonomists and …