March 26, 2025

Bug Blog

How to take amazing pictures of insects

Most biologists are excited to share the animals they study with a broad audience. One of the challenges of that engagement is having compelling photographs …

Pink Underwing Moth Caterpillar

Nature in its chaotic perfection always finds a way to surprise us. In its vast biodiversity, we can find this beautiful specimen with a highly …

Opsiphanes cassina in oil palms

Opsiphanes cassina is a species of butterfly of the family Nymphalidae. It belongs to the order Lepidoptera. It is found in Mexico and all the …

Larva Esqueleto

La naturaleza en su caótica perfección siempre encuentra una forma de sorprendernos. En su vasta diversidad de vida se encuentra éste bello especimen con un …

Red Bugs in the Virgin Islands

Our lab group is well-acquainted with the red-shouldered soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma. However, there are a variety of true bugs in the United States that …

Gusano ratón… ¡Amarte duele!

Debo ser honesto al decir que escribo sobre éste curioso espécimen debido a su suave apariencia ya que ha tentado a muchos a querer acariciarlo …

Mosquitoes: A Success Story

Most often, the media covers success stories of people who have achieved either economic gain, academic achievement, or entrepreneurial triumph. However, there is one organism …

La Mortalidad de la Araña

 La idea de la mortalidad para el humano siempre ha sido la mayor concierna en su vida. La idea de descomponerse hasta el punto de …

The Bugs In Our Backyard Coloring Book!

Bugs In Our Backyard is aimed at kids of all ages. When the project first began, had small children. And like many kids, they were …

Mariposa Pavoreal, líbrate de todo mal

Anartia fatima es un tipo de mariposa muy especial que habitan en climas subtropicales y húmedos donde pasean sus bonitas alas multicolores dando un bello …